Custom Powder Coating
Choose Any Powder Coat Color for Your Custom Look!
Phoenix Companies LLC is dedicated to providing the highest quality electrostatic powder coated finishes. A powder coated finish will be chip/scratch resistant, more durable (even in sever weather), longer lasting, and thus more economical than conventional paint.
Furthermore, our team will mask any surfaces and holes so that your parts are painted specifically and carefully accodring to your drawings.

At Phoenix, we powder coat:
- Machined parts
- PCB enclosures
- Electronic components
The powder coat process provides a high quality, durable, corrosion-resistant layer and is used to protect metals thus increasing part life. Being eco-friendly we use proper spraying and filtration in the process. Powder coating is exactly as it sounds, Powder which is applied through an electrically charged gun that allows for the powder to wrap around a part. The coating is then baked so that it hardens, creating the required durability and corrosive resistance.
“We offer a broad selection of paint colors to powder coat your PCB and electronic components”

We have standard RAL, Sherman Williams and Tiger Drylac custom in-house colors we use to achieve all of your design and color needs. Our team will mask surfaces and holes so that your parts are painted specifically according to your drawings.
To learn more about our Powder Coating services, or the additional services we provide, please contact Phoenix Companies today!